This web atlas includes only rare Lepidoptera and Odonata species that occur in Virginia. For reference, a complete list of these species can be viewed here. These species are all included in the search table below. This table can be searched by entering locality name, species name, or common name in the search box and clicking "Go". Conservation status and rarity ranks for each species, as well as the localities where species are found, is provided in search results.
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- Need help finding one of the 193 rare species found in the Atlas? Wait for the table loading below to finish, and then scroll through to see the full species list.
- You can also search by type (e.g., Butterfly, Skipper, Moth, Damselfly or Dragonfly).
- Click on any species name to view the full fact sheet for the species.
- To see results of your search sorted by locality, click on the "By Locality" tab.
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- To search for more than one locality, set the dropdown box to "Search Multiple localities", and enter the locality names without commas: eg. Henrico Albemarle
- Click on the "Species List" tab to view results sorted by type then species.
- Need help finding a locality? Here is a link to information on Virginia localities
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Species List
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Scientific Name | Common Name | Global Rank | State Rank | DGIF Tier | Federal Status | State Status | Last Observed | Locality |
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BUTTERFLY | ||||||||
Anaea andria | Goatweed Leafwing | G4G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Lee |
Boloria selene | Silver-bordered Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath, Giles, Highland, Nelson |
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Alleghany, Bath, Botetourt, Craig, Giles, Highland, Lee, Montgomery, Radford, City of, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Russell, Scott, Tazewell, Washington |
Calephelis virginiensis | Little Metalmark | G4 | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Chesapeake, City of, Suffolk, City of, Virginia Beach, City of |
Callophrys hesseli | Hessel's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S1 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Chesapeake, City of, Suffolk, City of |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Arlington, Augusta, Fairfax, Frederick, Giles, Highland, Isle of Wight, Madison, Montgomery, Nelson, Page, Prince William, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Salem, City of, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Suffolk, City of |
Callophrys polios | Hoary Elfin | G5 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Fairfax, Highland, Roanoke |
Chlosyne harrisii | Harris's Checkerspot | G4 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Colias interior | Pink-edged Sulphur | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Giles, Highland |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Craig, Giles, Greene, Highland, Madison, Montgomery, Page, Rappahannock, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Wise |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Frederick, Giles, Highland, Lee, Page, Rockingham, Russell, Shenandoah |
Lycaena hyllus | Bronze Copper | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack, Highland, Montgomery, Prince William |
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Dinwiddie, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Lunenburg, Nottoway, Southampton, Suffolk, City of, Sussex |
Neonympha mitchellii | Mitchell's Satyr | G2 | S1 | I | Endangered | Endangered | After 1990 | Floyd |
Phyciodes batesii batesii | Tawny Crescent | G4T1 | SX | II | None | None | Before 1950 | Bedford, Botetourt, Giles, Winchester, City of |
Phyciodes cocyta | Northern Crescent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Bath, Craig, Frederick |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Bath, Giles, Grayson, Highland, Montgomery, Scott, Smyth, Washington |
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Chesapeake, City of, Isle of Wight, New Kent, Norfolk, City of, Suffolk, City of, Virginia Beach, City of |
Speyeria atlantis | Atlantis Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Grayson, Highland, Rappahannock, Shenandoah |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Alleghany, Arlington, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Buchanan, Charles City, Chesterfield, Craig, Dickenson, Floyd, Giles, Gloucester, Grayson, Highland, Isle of Wight, James City, Lee, Montgomery, New Kent, Northampton, Patrick, Prince George, Pulaski, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Salem, City of, Scott, Smyth, Staunton, City of, Suffolk, City of, Surry, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, Wythe |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 | Albemarle, Alleghany, Amherst, Augusta, Bedford, Buchanan, Carroll, Clarke, Craig, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd, Frederick, Giles, Grayson, Greene, Highland, Lee, Loudoun, Madison, Montgomery, Nelson, Orange, Page, Patrick, Prince William, Pulaski, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Russell, Salem, City of, Shenandoah, Smyth, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Tazewell, Warren, Washington, Wythe |
MOTH | ||||||||
Acherdoa ferraria | Chocolate Moth | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Sussex |
Acrapex relicta | Cane-boring Moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Chesapeake, City of, Suffolk, City of |
Acronicta albarufa | Barrens Dagger Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Hanover |
Acronicta brumosa | Charred Dagger Moth | G4? | S1S2 | None | None | None | ||
Acronicta dolli | Doll's Dagger Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Rockbridge |
Amolita roseola | Roseate Grass Moth | G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Prince William |
Anaplectoides brunneomedia | Brown-lined Dart Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Giles, Smyth |
Apamea smythi | Smyth's Apamea Moth | GH | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 | Montgomery |
Aplectoides condita | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Bath |
Argillophora furcilla | A cane moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Lee |
Argyrostrotis deleta | A noctuid moth | G4G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | ||
Argyrostrotis sylvarum | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | ||
Brachionycha borealis | Boreal Fan Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Rockbridge |
Callosamia securifera | Sweetbay Silkmoth | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Sussex |
Catocala consors | Consort Underwing | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Mecklenburg |
Catocala dulciola | Sweet Underwing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Highland, Montgomery, Rockingham |
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Bath, Highland, Montgomery, Rockingham, Wythe |
Catocala marmorata | Marbled Underwing | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Montgomery |
Catocala messalina | Messalina Underwing | G4? | SH | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Montgomery |
Catocala pretiosa pretiosa | Precious Underwing | G4T2 | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 | Montgomery |
Catocala relicta | White Underwing | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Montgomery, Rockingham, Staunton, City of |
Catocala ulalume | Ulalume Underwing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Charlotte, Montgomery |
Cerma cora | Owl-eyed Bird Dropping Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta |
Coptotriche perplexa | Chestnut Leaf-miner | GHQ | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Falls Church, City of |
Crambidia cephalica | Yellow-headed lichen moth | G5 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Russell |
Cycnia collaris | Unexpected Cycnia Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Dinwiddie, Nottoway |
Cymatophora approximaria | A geometrid moth | G4G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Virginia Beach, City of |
Dargida rubripennis | Pink-streak moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Amherst, Arlington |
Dichagyris grotei | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Lee, Montgomery |
Drasteria graphica | Graphic moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack |
Emarginea percara | A noctuid moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Southampton, Suffolk, City of, Virginia Beach, City of |
Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria moth | G3G4 | S2? | None | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Giles, Henry, Montgomery |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Giles, Montgomery, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah |
Eulithis propulsata | A geometrid moth | GNR | S1S3 | None | None | None | ||
Euxoa fumalis | A dart moth | GNR | S1S3 | None | None | None | ||
Euxoa immixta | Mixed dart moth | G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Botetourt |
Franclemontia interrogans | A cane moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Virginia Beach, City of |
Hadena ectypa | A noctuid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Arlington, Bath, Bedford, Warren |
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Giles, Madison, Montgomery, Rockbridge, Rockingham |
Heterocampa astarte | A prominent moth | G4G5 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Virginia Beach, City of |
Hyppa contrasta | Summer Hyppa | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Grayson, Smyth |
Idaea tacturata | A geometrid moth | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | ||
Leucania calidior | A cane moth | G2G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Lee |
Lithophane adipel | A pinion moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Rockbridge |
Lithophane lemmeri | Lemmer's Pinion Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Prince William |
Lytrosis permagnaria | A geometrid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Rockbridge, Wise |
Macaria distribuaria | Southern Chocolate Angle | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Arlington, Dinwiddie |
Meropleon cosmion | A noctuid moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Arlington |
Meropleon titan | A noctuid moth | G2G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Stafford |
Metria amella | Live Oak Metria Moth | G5 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Virginia Beach, City of |
Nemoria elfa | Elfin Emerald | G? | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Lee |
Nemoria tuscarora | Tuscarora Emerald | GU | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Rockbridge |
Odontosia elegans | Elegant Prominent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Fauquier |
Oxycilla mitographa | A noctuid moth | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Arlington, Giles |
Paectes abrostolella | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Lee |
Papaipema araliae | Aralia Shoot Borer Moth | G3G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack |
Papaipema astuta | Yellow Stoneroot Borer Moth | G2G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Bath |
Papaipema duovata | Seaside Goldenrod Borer Moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack |
Papaipema duplicatus | Dark Stoneroot Borer Moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Bath, Bedford, Wise |
Papaipema necopina | Sunflower Borer Moth | G4? | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Lee |
Papaipema speciosissima | Osmunda Borer Moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack, Fairfax, New Kent |
Papaipema stenocelis | Chain Fern Borer Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | ||
Properigea costa | Barrens Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Bath, Madison, Warren |
Psectrotarsia hebardi | Hebard's Noctuid moth | GU | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath |
Ptichodis bistrigata | Southern Ptichodis Moth | G3 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Botetourt |
Pygarctia abdominalis | Yellow-edged Pygarctia Moth | G3 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Isle of Wight |
Pyrrhia aurantiago | Aureolaria Seed Borer Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath, Montgomery |
Schinia siren | Aluring Schinia Moth | GNR | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack |
Schizura apicalis | Plain Schizura Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Amherst |
Speranza exonerata | Barrens Speranza moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Rockbridge |
Speranza ribearia | Currant Spanworm | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Bath, Page, Warren |
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Amherst, Augusta, Giles, Montgomery, Rockingham, Scott, York |
Sympistis perscripta | Scribbled Sallow | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | ||
Synanthedon castaneae | Chestnut Clearwing Moth | G3G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Falls Church, City of |
Syngrapha rectangula | Salt-and-pepper Looper | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta |
Tricholita notata | Marked Tricholita | G5 | SH | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath |
Xanthorhoe iduata | A geometrid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Smyth |
Zale curema | Black-eyed Zale Moth | G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Halifax |
Zale lunifera | Pine Barrens Zale | G3G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig |
SKIPPER | ||||||||
Amblyscirtes alternata | Dusky Roadside Skipper | G2G3 | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Suffolk, City of |
Atrytone arogos arogos | Arogos Skipper | G3T1T2 | SH | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Montgomery |
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath, Bedford, Highland, Page, Roanoke, Roanoke, City of, Smyth |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Chesapeake, City of, Fairfax, Fauquier, Giles, Greensville, Halifax, Henrico, Highland, Loudoun, Montgomery, Page, Prince Edward, Prince William, Roanoke, Russell, Tazewell, Warren, Wythe |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath, Bedford, Fairfax, Giles, Highland, Montgomery, Roanoke, Rockingham, Tazewell |
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Floyd, Frederick, Grayson, Highland, Suffolk, City of |
Euphyes conspicua | Black Dash | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Giles, Suffolk, City of |
Euphyes dukesi | Dukes' Skipper | G3 | S2 | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Chesapeake, City of, Suffolk, City of, Virginia Beach, City of |
Euphyes pilatka | Palatka Skipper (= Sawgrass Skipper) | G3G4 | S1 | III | None | None | Before 1950 | Virginia Beach, City of |
Hesperia attalus slossonae | Dotted Skipper (= Seminole Skipper) | G3G4T3 | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 | Loudoun, Prince Edward, Roanoke |
Megathymus yuccae | Yucca Giant Skipper | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Suffolk, City of, Virginia Beach, City of |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Carroll, Frederick, Giles, Highland, Montgomery, Roanoke |
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 | Charles City, Chesapeake, City of, James City, King William, New Kent, Surry, Virginia Beach, City of |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 | Albemarle, Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Bland, Carroll, Fairfax, Franklin, Frederick, Giles, Highland, Montgomery, Rappahannock, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Salem, City of |
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DAMSELFLY | ||||||||
Calopteryx aequabilis | River Jewelwing | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | ||
Calopteryx amata | Superb Jewelwing | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Culpeper, Greensville, Rappahannock, Richmond, City of, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Russell, Shenandoah, Smyth, Sussex |
Enallagma annexum | Northern Bluet | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Caroline, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Prince George, Stafford, Sussex |
Enallagma ebrium | Marsh Bluet | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Enallagma hageni | Hagen's Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Giles, Highland, Rockingham, Washington |
Enallagma pallidum | Pale Bluet | G4 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Chesapeake, City of |
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Brunswick, Caroline, Charles City, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, King and Queen |
Lestes disjunctus | Northern Spreadwing | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Bath, Highland, Montgomery, Prince William |
Lestes dryas | Emerald Spreadwing | G5 | SNR | IV | None | None | ||
Lestes vidua | Carolina Spreadwing | G5 | SNA | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Virginia Beach, City of |
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Caroline, Essex, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Brunswick, Caroline, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Sussex |
Nehalennia irene | Sedge Sprite | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland, Prince William |
DRAGONFLY | ||||||||
Aeshna canadensis | Canada Darner | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Aeshna constricta | Lance-tipped Darner | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Augusta, Frederick |
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Giles, Highland, Pulaski, Rockingham, Russell, Scott, Tazewell |
Aeshna verticalis | Green-striped Darner | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Aphylla williamsoni | Two-striped Forceptail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Chesapeake, City of, Southampton, Virginia Beach, City of |
Arigomphus furcifer | Lilypad Clubtail | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Fauquier, Highland, Prince William |
Celithemis martha | Martha's Pennant | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Caroline, Fairfax |
Celithemis ornata | Faded Pennant | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Charles City |
Cordulegaster diastatops | Delta-spotted Spiketail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Accomack, Highland |
Cordulia shurtleffii | American Emerald | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Bath, Highland, Loudoun, Rockingham |
Coryphaeschna ingens | Regal Darner | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Southampton |
Epitheca canis | Beaverpond Baskettail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Epitheca costalis | Stripe-winged Baskettail | G5 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Charles City, Chesterfield, Fairfax, Suffolk, City of, Virginia Beach, City of |
Epitheca semiaquea | Mantled Baskettail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Franklin, City of, Isle of Wight |
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Caroline, Halifax, Isle of Wight, King and Queen, Middlesex, Southampton, Suffolk, City of, Surry, Sussex |
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Botetourt, Halifax, Lunenburg, Nottoway, Prince George, Sussex |
Gomphus adelphus | Mustached Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Bath, Carroll, Grayson, Wythe |
Gomphus apomyius | Banner Clubtail | G3G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Brunswick |
Gomphus borealis | Beaverpond Clubtail | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Highland |
Gomphus consanguis | Cherokee Clubtail | G3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 | Russell, Scott, Tazewell, Washington |
Gomphus descriptus | Harpoon Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Gomphus fraternus | Midland Clubtail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Fairfax, Wise |
Gomphus parvidens | Piedmont Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Bedford, Charlotte, Powhatan |
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Albemarle, Alleghany, Bath, Botetourt, Culpeper, Dickenson, Rockbridge, Russell |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, Prince William, Tazewell, Washington |
Gomphus septima | Septima's Clubtail | G2 | S1 | II | None | None | After 1990 | Fluvanna, Lunenburg, Nottoway |
Gomphus ventricosus | Skillet Clubtail | G3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 | Fairfax, Russell, Scott, Smyth |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 | Botetourt, Carroll, Dickenson, Floyd, Grayson, Scott, Wise |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Brunswick, Campbell, Caroline, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Fluvanna, Hanover, King and Queen, Louisa, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, Nottoway, Powhatan, Southampton |
Ladona exusta | White Corporal Skimmer | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Richmond |
Ladona julia | Chalk-fronted Corporal Skimmer | G5 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Highland |
Lanthus parvulus | Northern Pygmy Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland, Madison, Montgomery, Page |
Leucorrhinia frigida | Frosted Whiteface | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Highland |
Leucorrhinia hudsonica | Hudsonian Whiteface | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Highland |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Giles, Highland, Montgomery |
Leucorrhinia proxima | Red-waisted Whiteface | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Highland |
Macrodiplax balteata | Marl Pennant | G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Hampton, City of |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Alleghany, Augusta, Charlotte, Craig, Essex, Nelson, Pulaski, Russell, Wythe |
Macromia margarita | Mountain River Cruiser | G3 | SH | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Floyd |
Nannothemis bella | Elfin Skimmer | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Caroline, Northumberland |
Neurocordulia virginiensis | Cinnamon Shadowdragon | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Buckingham |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Alleghany, Floyd, Giles, Grayson, Radford, City of, Scott, Shenandoah |
Ophiogomphus aspersus | Brook Snaketail | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Carroll, Floyd, Grayson |
Ophiogomphus carolus | Riffle Snaketail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Augusta, Highland |
Ophiogomphus howei | Pygmy Snaketail | G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 | Carroll, Floyd, Grayson, Wythe |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus alleghaniensis | Allegheny Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S1 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Augusta, Floyd, Giles |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus incurvatus | Appalachian Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 | Bedford, Charlotte, Floyd |
Ophiogomphus mainensis | Maine Snaketail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Highland, Scott |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Albemarle, Buckingham, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Fluvanna, Goochland, Nelson, Powhatan |
Rhionaeschna mutata | Spatterdock Darner | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | After 1990 | Alleghany, Augusta, Craig, Highland |
Somatochlora elongata | Ski-tipped Emerald | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Giles, Highland |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Caroline, Essex, Isle of Wight, King and Queen, Prince William, Southampton, Stafford, Suffolk, City of, Sussex, Virginia Beach, City of |
Somatochlora georgiana | Coppery Emerald | G3G4 | SH | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Charlotte |
Somatochlora provocans | Treetop Emerald | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Caroline, Chesterfield, Essex, Suffolk, City of, Sussex |
Somatochlora williamsoni | Williamson's Emerald | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Highland |
Stylogomphus sigmastylus | Interior Least Clubtail | G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 | Scott |
Stylurus amnicola | Riverine Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Grayson, Nelson, Powhatan |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Charlotte, Fairfax, Hanover, Henrico, Louisa, Lunenburg, Montgomery, Nelson, Nottoway, Richmond, City of, Spotsylvania |
Stylurus notatus | Elusive Clubtail | G3 | SH | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Loudoun |
Stylurus scudderi | Zebra Clubtail | G4 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Grayson, Roanoke, City of |
Sympetrum corruptum | Variegated Meadowhawk | G5 | SNA | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Montgomery |
Sympetrum janeae | Jane's Meadowhawk | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 | Suffolk, City of |
Sympetrum obtrusum | White-faced Meadowhawk | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 | Giles, Highland, Prince William |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 | Augusta, Bedford, Brunswick, Caroline, Dickenson, Essex, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd, Franklin, Frederick, Giles, Grayson, Hanover, Henry, James City, Lee, Lunenburg, New Kent, Page, Patrick, Prince William, Rockbridge, Russell, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Williamsburg, City of, Wythe |
By Locality
Species Records Sorted by Locality: 723
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- Note, some species have not yet been identified in specific localities
Scientific Name | Common Name | Global Rank | State Rank | DGIF Tier | Federal Status | State Status | Last Observed |
Accomack | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Lycaena hyllus | Bronze Copper | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Drasteria graphica | Graphic moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema araliae | Aralia Shoot Borer Moth | G3G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema duovata | Seaside Goldenrod Borer Moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema speciosissima | Osmunda Borer Moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Schinia siren | Aluring Schinia Moth | GNR | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Cordulegaster diastatops | Delta-spotted Spiketail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Albemarle | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Alleghany | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Properigea costa | Barrens Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Zale lunifera | Pine Barrens Zale | G3G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rhionaeschna mutata | Spatterdock Darner | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Amherst | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Dargida rubripennis | Pink-streak moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Schizura apicalis | Plain Schizura Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Arlington | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Dargida rubripennis | Pink-streak moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Hadena ectypa | A noctuid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Macaria distribuaria | Southern Chocolate Angle | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Meropleon cosmion | A noctuid moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Oxycilla mitographa | A noctuid moth | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Augusta | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Callophrys polios | Hoary Elfin | G5 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Phyciodes cocyta | Northern Crescent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria atlantis | Atlantis Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Brachionycha borealis | Boreal Fan Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Cerma cora | Owl-eyed Bird Dropping Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria moth | G3G4 | S2? | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euxoa immixta | Mixed dart moth | G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Lytrosis permagnaria | A geometrid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Syngrapha rectangula | Salt-and-pepper Looper | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna constricta | Lance-tipped Darner | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Cordulia shurtleffii | American Emerald | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus adelphus | Mustached Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Ladona julia | Chalk-fronted Corporal Skimmer | G5 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus carolus | Riffle Snaketail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus alleghaniensis | Allegheny Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S1 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rhionaeschna mutata | Spatterdock Darner | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Bath | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Boloria selene | Silver-bordered Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Phyciodes cocyta | Northern Crescent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Aplectoides condita | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Hadena ectypa | A noctuid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema astuta | Yellow Stoneroot Borer Moth | G2G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema duplicatus | Dark Stoneroot Borer Moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Properigea costa | Barrens Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Psectrotarsia hebardi | Hebard's Noctuid moth | GU | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrrhia aurantiago | Aureolaria Seed Borer Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speranza ribearia | Currant Spanworm | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Tricholita notata | Marked Tricholita | G5 | SH | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Lestes disjunctus | Northern Spreadwing | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Cordulia shurtleffii | American Emerald | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus adelphus | Mustached Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Bedford | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Phyciodes batesii batesii | Tawny Crescent | G4T1 | SX | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Hadena ectypa | A noctuid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema duplicatus | Dark Stoneroot Borer Moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus parvidens | Piedmont Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus incurvatus | Appalachian Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Bland | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
Botetourt | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Phyciodes batesii batesii | Tawny Crescent | G4T1 | SX | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euxoa immixta | Mixed dart moth | G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Ptichodis bistrigata | Southern Ptichodis Moth | G3 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Zale lunifera | Pine Barrens Zale | G3G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Brunswick | |||||||
DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus apomyius | Banner Clubtail | G3G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Buchanan | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
Buckingham | |||||||
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Neurocordulia virginiensis | Cinnamon Shadowdragon | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Campbell | |||||||
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Caroline | |||||||
DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Celithemis martha | Martha's Pennant | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nannothemis bella | Elfin Skimmer | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora provocans | Treetop Emerald | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Carroll | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | 1950 - 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus adelphus | Mustached Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus aspersus | Brook Snaketail | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus howei | Pygmy Snaketail | G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Charles City | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Celithemis ornata | Faded Pennant | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Epitheca costalis | Stripe-winged Baskettail | G5 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Charlotte | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Catocala ulalume | Ulalume Underwing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus parvidens | Piedmont Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus incurvatus | Appalachian Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S2 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Somatochlora georgiana | Coppery Emerald | G3G4 | SH | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Chesapeake, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis virginiensis | Little Metalmark | G4 | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys hesseli | Hessel's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S1 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Acrapex relicta | Cane-boring Moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Euphyes dukesi | Dukes' Skipper | G3 | S2 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma pallidum | Pale Bluet | G4 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aphylla williamsoni | Two-striped Forceptail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Chesterfield | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca costalis | Stripe-winged Baskettail | G5 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora provocans | Treetop Emerald | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Clarke | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Craig | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Phyciodes cocyta | Northern Crescent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Zale lunifera | Pine Barrens Zale | G3G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rhionaeschna mutata | Spatterdock Darner | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Culpeper | |||||||
DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Cumberland | |||||||
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Dickenson | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Dinwiddie | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Cycnia collaris | Unexpected Cycnia Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Macaria distribuaria | Southern Chocolate Angle | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Essex | |||||||
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora provocans | Treetop Emerald | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Fairfax | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys polios | Hoary Elfin | G5 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Papaipema speciosissima | Osmunda Borer Moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Celithemis martha | Martha's Pennant | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Epitheca costalis | Stripe-winged Baskettail | G5 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Gomphus fraternus | Midland Clubtail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus ventricosus | Skillet Clubtail | G3 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Falls Church, City of | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Coptotriche perplexa | Chestnut Leaf-miner | GHQ | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Synanthedon castaneae | Chestnut Clearwing Moth | G3G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Fauquier | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Odontosia elegans | Elegant Prominent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Arigomphus furcifer | Lilypad Clubtail | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Floyd | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Neonympha mitchellii | Mitchell's Satyr | G2 | S1 | I | Endangered | Endangered | After 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Macromia margarita | Mountain River Cruiser | G3 | SH | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus aspersus | Brook Snaketail | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus howei | Pygmy Snaketail | G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus alleghaniensis | Allegheny Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S1 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus incurvatus | Appalachian Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Fluvanna | |||||||
Gomphus septima | Septima's Clubtail | G2 | S1 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Franklin | |||||||
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SKIPPER | |||||||
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Franklin, City of | |||||||
Epitheca semiaquea | Mantled Baskettail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Frederick | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Phyciodes cocyta | Northern Crescent | G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna constricta | Lance-tipped Darner | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Giles | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Boloria selene | Silver-bordered Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Colias interior | Pink-edged Sulphur | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Phyciodes batesii batesii | Tawny Crescent | G4T1 | SX | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Anaplectoides brunneomedia | Brown-lined Dart Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria moth | G3G4 | S2? | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Oxycilla mitographa | A noctuid moth | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Euphyes conspicua | Black Dash | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma hageni | Hagen's Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus incurvatus alleghaniensis | Allegheny Snaketail | G3T2T3 | S1 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Somatochlora elongata | Ski-tipped Emerald | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Sympetrum obtrusum | White-faced Meadowhawk | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gloucester | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Goochland | |||||||
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Grayson | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria atlantis | Atlantis Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Hyppa contrasta | Summer Hyppa | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus adelphus | Mustached Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus aspersus | Brook Snaketail | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus howei | Pygmy Snaketail | G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Stylurus amnicola | Riverine Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus scudderi | Zebra Clubtail | G4 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Greene | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
Greensville | |||||||
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Halifax | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Zale curema | Black-eyed Zale Moth | G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Hampton, City of | |||||||
Macrodiplax balteata | Marl Pennant | G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Hanover | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Acronicta albarufa | Barrens Dagger Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Henrico | |||||||
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SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Henry | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria moth | G3G4 | S2? | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Highland | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Boloria selene | Silver-bordered Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Callophrys polios | Hoary Elfin | G5 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Chlosyne harrisii | Harris's Checkerspot | G4 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Colias interior | Pink-edged Sulphur | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Lycaena hyllus | Bronze Copper | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria atlantis | Atlantis Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Catocala dulciola | Sweet Underwing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx amata | Superb Jewelwing | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma annexum | Northern Bluet | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma ebrium | Marsh Bluet | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma hageni | Hagen's Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Lestes disjunctus | Northern Spreadwing | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia irene | Sedge Sprite | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna canadensis | Canada Darner | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Aeshna verticalis | Green-striped Darner | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Arigomphus furcifer | Lilypad Clubtail | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Cordulegaster diastatops | Delta-spotted Spiketail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Cordulia shurtleffii | American Emerald | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Epitheca canis | Beaverpond Baskettail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus borealis | Beaverpond Clubtail | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus descriptus | Harpoon Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Ladona julia | Chalk-fronted Corporal Skimmer | G5 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Lanthus parvulus | Northern Pygmy Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Leucorrhinia frigida | Frosted Whiteface | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Leucorrhinia hudsonica | Hudsonian Whiteface | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Leucorrhinia proxima | Red-waisted Whiteface | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus carolus | Riffle Snaketail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Ophiogomphus mainensis | Maine Snaketail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rhionaeschna mutata | Spatterdock Darner | G4 | S2 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora elongata | Ski-tipped Emerald | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora williamsoni | Williamson's Emerald | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Sympetrum obtrusum | White-faced Meadowhawk | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Isle of Wight | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Pygarctia abdominalis | Yellow-edged Pygarctia Moth | G3 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca semiaquea | Mantled Baskettail | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
James City | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
King and Queen | |||||||
DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma weewa | Blackwater Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
King William | |||||||
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SKIPPER | |||||||
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Lee | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Anaea andria | Goatweed Leafwing | G4G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Argillophora furcilla | A cane moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Dichagyris grotei | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Leucania calidior | A cane moth | G2G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Nemoria elfa | Elfin Emerald | G? | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Paectes abrostolella | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema necopina | Sunflower Borer Moth | G4? | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Loudoun | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Hesperia attalus slossonae | Dotted Skipper (= Seminole Skipper) | G3G4T3 | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Cordulia shurtleffii | American Emerald | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus notatus | Elusive Clubtail | G3 | SH | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Louisa | |||||||
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Lunenburg | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus septima | Septima's Clubtail | G2 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Madison | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Properigea costa | Barrens Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Lanthus parvulus | Northern Pygmy Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Mecklenburg | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Catocala consors | Consort Underwing | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Middlesex | |||||||
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Montgomery | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Lycaena hyllus | Bronze Copper | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | After 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Apamea smythi | Smyth's Apamea Moth | GH | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Catocala dulciola | Sweet Underwing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Catocala marmorata | Marbled Underwing | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Catocala messalina | Messalina Underwing | G4? | SH | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Catocala pretiosa pretiosa | Precious Underwing | G4T2 | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Catocala relicta | White Underwing | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Catocala ulalume | Ulalume Underwing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Dichagyris grotei | A noctuid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Erastria coloraria | Broad-lined Erastria moth | G3G4 | S2? | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Pyrrhia aurantiago | Aureolaria Seed Borer Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Atrytone arogos arogos | Arogos Skipper | G3T1T2 | SH | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Lestes disjunctus | Northern Spreadwing | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Lanthus parvulus | Northern Pygmy Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Leucorrhinia intacta | Dot-tailed Whiteface | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Sympetrum corruptum | Variegated Meadowhawk | G5 | SNA | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Nelson | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Boloria selene | Silver-bordered Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Stylurus amnicola | Riverine Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
New Kent | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Papaipema speciosissima | Osmunda Borer Moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Norfolk, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Northampton | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Northumberland | |||||||
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Nannothemis bella | Elfin Skimmer | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Nottoway | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Cycnia collaris | Unexpected Cycnia Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus septima | Septima's Clubtail | G2 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Orange | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
Page | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Speranza ribearia | Currant Spanworm | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Lanthus parvulus | Northern Pygmy Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Patrick | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Powhatan | |||||||
Gomphus parvidens | Piedmont Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Ophiogomphus susbehcha | St. Croix Snaketail | G2 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Stylurus amnicola | Riverine Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Prince Edward | |||||||
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SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Hesperia attalus slossonae | Dotted Skipper (= Seminole Skipper) | G3G4T3 | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Prince George | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Prince William | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Lycaena hyllus | Bronze Copper | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Amolita roseola | Roseate Grass Moth | G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Lithophane lemmeri | Lemmer's Pinion Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Lestes disjunctus | Northern Spreadwing | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia irene | Sedge Sprite | G5 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Arigomphus furcifer | Lilypad Clubtail | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Sympetrum obtrusum | White-faced Meadowhawk | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Pulaski | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Radford, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rappahannock | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria atlantis | Atlantis Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Richmond | |||||||
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Ladona exusta | White Corporal Skimmer | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Richmond, City of | |||||||
DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Roanoke | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys polios | Hoary Elfin | G5 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Hesperia attalus slossonae | Dotted Skipper (= Seminole Skipper) | G3G4T3 | SH | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Polites mystic | Long Dash | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
Roanoke, City of | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Stylurus scudderi | Zebra Clubtail | G4 | S1S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rockbridge | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Acronicta dolli | Doll's Dagger Moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Brachionycha borealis | Boreal Fan Moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Lithophane adipel | A pinion moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Lytrosis permagnaria | A geometrid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nemoria tuscarora | Tuscarora Emerald | GU | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speranza exonerata | Barrens Speranza moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Rockingham | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Catocala dulciola | Sweet Underwing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Catocala relicta | White Underwing | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Heliomata infulata | Rare spring moth | G3G4 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma hageni | Hagen's Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Cordulia shurtleffii | American Emerald | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Russell | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Crambidia cephalica | Yellow-headed lichen moth | G5 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus consanguis | Cherokee Clubtail | G3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus ventricosus | Skillet Clubtail | G3 | S1 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Salem, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Pyrgus centaureae wyandot | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | G5T1T2 | S1 | I | None | Threatened | Before 1950 |
Scott | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus consanguis | Cherokee Clubtail | G3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus ventricosus | Skillet Clubtail | G3 | S1 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Ophiogomphus mainensis | Maine Snaketail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stylogomphus sigmastylus | Interior Least Clubtail | G5 | S1 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Shenandoah | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Euchloe olympia | Olympia Marble | G4G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria atlantis | Atlantis Fritillary | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Euchlaena moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Smyth | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Anaplectoides brunneomedia | Brown-lined Dart Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Hyppa contrasta | Summer Hyppa | G3G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Xanthorhoe iduata | A geometrid moth | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis lucilius | Columbine Duskywing | G4 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus ventricosus | Skillet Clubtail | G3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Southampton | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Emarginea percara | A noctuid moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aphylla williamsoni | Two-striped Forceptail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Coryphaeschna ingens | Regal Darner | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Helocordulia selysii | Selys' Sundragon | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Spotsylvania | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Stylurus laurae | Laura's Clubtail | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Stafford | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Meropleon titan | A noctuid moth | G2G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Staunton, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Catocala relicta | White Underwing | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Suffolk, City of | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis virginiensis | Little Metalmark | G4 | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Callophrys hesseli | Hessel's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S1 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Callophrys irus | Frosted Elfin | G3 | S2? | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Acrapex relicta | Cane-boring Moth | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Emarginea percara | A noctuid moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Amblyscirtes alternata | Dusky Roadside Skipper | G2G3 | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euphyes bimacula | Two-spotted Skipper | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Euphyes conspicua | Black Dash | G4 | SH | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euphyes dukesi | Dukes' Skipper | G3 | S2 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Megathymus yuccae | Yucca Giant Skipper | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca costalis | Stripe-winged Baskettail | G5 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Somatochlora provocans | Treetop Emerald | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Sympetrum janeae | Jane's Meadowhawk | G5 | S1 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Surry | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Sussex | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Neonympha helicta | Helicta Satyr | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Acherdoa ferraria | Chocolate Moth | G5 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Callosamia securifera | Sweetbay Silkmoth | G4 | S1S2 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Calopteryx angustipennis | Appalachian Jewelwing | G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Enallagma dubium | Burgundy Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Nehalennia integricollis | Southern Sprite | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | G3G4 | S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora provocans | Treetop Emerald | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Tazewell | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Erynnis persius persius | Persius Duskywing | G5T1T3 | S1 | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | G4 | S2S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus consanguis | Cherokee Clubtail | G3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Virginia Beach, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis virginiensis | Little Metalmark | G4 | SH | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Satyrium kingi | King's Hairstreak | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
MOTH | |||||||
Cymatophora approximaria | A geometrid moth | G4G5 | S1S3 | None | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Emarginea percara | A noctuid moth | G4 | S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Franclemontia interrogans | A cane moth | G3G4 | S1S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Heterocampa astarte | A prominent moth | G4G5 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Metria amella | Live Oak Metria Moth | G5 | S1S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Euphyes dukesi | Dukes' Skipper | G3 | S2 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Euphyes pilatka | Palatka Skipper (= Sawgrass Skipper) | G3G4 | S1 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Megathymus yuccae | Yucca Giant Skipper | G5 | SH | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Problema bulenta | Rare Skipper | G2G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Lestes vidua | Carolina Spreadwing | G5 | SNA | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Aphylla williamsoni | Two-striped Forceptail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Epitheca costalis | Stripe-winged Baskettail | G5 | S2S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Somatochlora filosa | Fine-lined Emerald | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Warren | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Hadena ectypa | A noctuid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Properigea costa | Barrens Moth | G4 | S2 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Speranza ribearia | Currant Spanworm | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
Washington | |||||||
BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Calephelis borealis | Northern Metalmark | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Polygonia faunus smythi | Smyth's Green Comma | G5T3 | S1S3 | None | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DAMSELFLY | |||||||
Enallagma hageni | Hagen's Bluet | G5 | S3 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus consanguis | Cherokee Clubtail | G3 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Gomphus rogersi | Sable Clubtail | G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Williamsburg, City of | |||||||
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Winchester, City of | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Phyciodes batesii batesii | Tawny Crescent | G4T1 | SX | II | None | None | Before 1950 |
Wise | |||||||
Erora laeta | Early Hairstreak | GU | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Lytrosis permagnaria | A geometrid moth | G3G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Papaipema duplicatus | Dark Stoneroot Borer Moth | G2G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus fraternus | Midland Clubtail | G5 | S2 | IV | None | None | 1950 - 1990 |
Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced Clubtail | G3G4 | S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Wythe | |||||||
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BUTTERFLY | |||||||
Speyeria diana | Diana Fritillary | G3G4 | S3 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Speyeria idalia | Regal Fritillary | G3 | S1 | I | None | None | Before 1950 |
MOTH | |||||||
Catocala herodias gerhardi | Pine Barrens Underwing | G3T3 | S2S3 | III | None | None | After 1990 |
SKIPPER | |||||||
Erynnis martialis | Mottled Duskywing | G3 | S1S3 | III | None | None | Before 1950 |
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DRAGONFLY | |||||||
Gomphus adelphus | Mustached Clubtail | G4 | S1 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
Macromia alleghaniensis | Allegheny River Cruiser | G4 | S2 | IV | None | None | Before 1950 |
Ophiogomphus howei | Pygmy Snaketail | G3 | S1S2 | II | None | None | After 1990 |
Tachopteryx thoreyi | Gray Petaltail | G4 | S4 | IV | None | None | After 1990 |
York | |||||||
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MOTH | |||||||
Sphinx franckii | Franck's Sphinx | G4 | S2S3 | None | None | None | After 1990 |
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program, 600 E. Main St., 24th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
This atlas was compiled
by the VA Natural Heritage Program with funds provided by the VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries through a state wildlife grant
from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Questions/Comments? Check the contacts page |
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Last Modified: Friday, 26 February 2021, 03:21:56 PM